Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Cedar Lane Oak Cross Section Finds a Home

So it's been more than two years since the Cedar Lane oak came down and I've been carrying a cross section of it around in the back of my van since last October. Today I finally installed it in the Teaneck Library. Looks pretty good I think.
Thanks to the countless people who worked to make this possible. Perry and Gladys Rosenstein of the Puffin Foundation who have supported the project from the beginning. Thanks to Kevin Wright for arranging the tree ring dating at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Thanks to Peter Both from Bergen County Parks who passed the section off to me. Thanks to everyone involved in the search for a final location for the cross section, Liz Celotto, Teaneck Mayor Lizette P. Parker, Teaneck Township Manager William Broughton, State Senator Loretta Weinberg and her chief of staff Debbie Francica. A special thanks to Teaneck Library Director Mike McCue for accepting the trunk and helping to move and install it. Thanks also to the friends, family and countless people, some without knowing it, who have kept me vertical over these years.

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